May 8-9, 2021 1st stage of the Cup of Russia sporting-double shooting

May 8-9, 2021 Kursk 1-Stage of the Cup of Russia "sporting-double shooting" Shooting-bench complex is located at the address: Kursk region, Oktyabrsky district, Lipino village. Driving directions to

May 8-9, 2021 Kursk 1-Stage of the Cup of Russia "sporting-double shooting"

The shooting-bench complex is located at the address: Kursk region, Oktyabrsky district, Lipino village.
Driving directions on m/data=!3m1!1e3
on Yandex maps:
satellite view:

or by tel. 8(4712) 32-59-43, 32-46-27, 32-58-64. UTs "Guarantee Plus"

It's more of an advertisement. You know that personal presence is required at registration.

In stock Glavpatron 24gr., 28gr.-16rub.


It's more of an advertisement. You know that personal presence is required at registration.

What personal presence? Registration on the NSF website has always been

It is really very important for the organizers to understand the number of athletes for the correct planning of forces and resources for the competition! From food to schedule! Why not mark if it helps! And arrows including, !


It is really very important for the organizers to understand the number of athletes for the correct planning of forces and resources for the competition! From food to schedule! Why not mark if it helps! And arrows including, !

Can't the organizers ask for information on the number of people registered with the NSF? It's easier, faster and more accurate.

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