Weather in Ufa: Weather Condition Archives for December 12, 2016

Find out what the weather in Ufa was December 12, 2016: temperature, wind, precipitation and relative air humidity

Weather archive in Ufa (Russia, Bashkortostan) for December 12, 2016

Weather in Ufa at night December 12, 2016: Clearly, precipitation and weather phenomena were not observed. Atmospheric pressure was below the norm. Air temperature -20 … -22 ° C. The wind is southern weak, 1-2 m / s. Relative humidity 78%.

On December 12, 2016 in Ufa, the weather was like this: a significant cloudiness, moderate snow, snow, rain with snow or other types of precipitation, cloudiness increased from less than 5 points to more than 5 points. The pressure was below the norm. Air temperature -16 … -28 ° C. The wind is southern weak, 0-3 m / s. Air humidity 73-78%.

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Hereinafter the weather in Ufa

Learn more about the weather in Ufa.

On this page, you can find out what the weather in Ufa was December 12, 2016 according to meteorological observations with the World Meteorological Organization index 28722. Analysis of weather conditions is made using an algorithm that defines the main parameters of weather in Ufa, such as atmospheric pressure, cloudiness, meteolation , as well as the range of air temperature, wind and humidity during the day.

Weather, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, in other cities of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and other countries of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and other countries of Russia and major cities of the world based on their own technology, so-called on HFT hybrid weather forecasting (HYBRID FORECASTING Technology). The weather in Moscow and St. Petersburg is presented with accuracy to districts, in line with other major cities of Russia. Experience shows that weather forecasting in Moscow with an accuracy of the street or at home does not have a special meaning: with a significant increase in computing, the accuracy of the forecasts is growing on the share of percent.

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